Friday 20 July 2012

A You Tube Sensation....

I work part time, 3 days a week. Some people say - what do you do all day? This is what I did today;

Got up.
Ate breakfast.
Walked a mile to PT.

Did my PT session. Rich is helping me to increase my speed & lower body strength. Watch this video to see some of my session today....It was HARD. My arms were aching, I was short of breath and my quads were on fire.

Then at the end of the session we also did this short speed drill. It almost finished me off! All of my session is detailed here.

When I train with Rich I feel differnt to when I run. I'm confident when I train, I feel like I know what I'm doing and although Rich pushes me it's still 'my thing'. With running I always feel like I'm bottom of the class.

I walked home and spent most of the rest of the day putting washing in & out of the maching and moving it about on radiators - yes I had the heating on in July.

My mum & dad also came round for a cup of tea.
I didn't watch Bargin Hunt or Jeremy Kyle.

Derwent Runners had a good turn out at the Tara Kinder 10K with our very own Matt Cartwright coming third! Brilliant.

Six miles tomorrow morning. I'm debating whether to have a lie in and run later in the day or just get up at go so it's done & out of the way. I liked running early last week. Tomorrow I'll have done 3 weeks of training. Ticking the sessions off & begining to see a little glimmer of improvement.

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