Sunday 15 July 2012

An early night

I'm exhausted. My bones hurt. My back aches. Good job today was a rest day because I really don't think I could have ran anywhere. All this exercise and no alcohol is clearly taking its toll. I've got bad skin. I feel like I've got a hangover, like I've been out partying until 3am. But with none of the fun.

So on the plan for next week:

Monday - 3 miles @10 min miles
Tuesday - 4 miles last 3 @9.15 per mile
Thursday - 6x1min @8 min miles with 60sec walk recovery
Friday - PT session with Rich
Saturday - 6 miles @10 min miles

I'm going to have to start going to bed earlier or drinking some sort of supplement because I don't want to feel like this for the next 10 weeks. Plus I am a miserable cow when I'm tired & I don't think Flino could put up with me! Any suggestions gratefully received?

We've been decorating today. Painting walls is much harder work that I first thought. And all that mess, brushes to wash, dust to clear up, endless cups of tea to make. On the plus side chocolate digestives are obviously de rigueur when decorating - you have to get into the job role right?

Anyway, I've put the bath on, put some of this stuff in it in the hope that it will make me feel better and then I'm going to bed.

On a more positive, note my manicure from yesterday hasn't chipped at all despite all the painting! Every cloud.....

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